Happy Birthday Zach !
- Numele lui real este Zachary George "Zach" Roerig .
- Este nascut pe 22 februarie 1985
- Este un actor American cunoscut pentru rolurile Casey Hughes din As the Ward Turns , Hunter Atwood din One Life To Live si cel pe care il cunoasteti Matt Donovan din The Vampire Diaries.
- Zach s-a nascut in Montpelier , Ohio cu Andreea si Daniel Roerig . El are ne asemenea o sora mai mica Emily , care s-a nascut in 1989 .Zach a facut scoala de la Barbizon de modelare in Cleveland si a continuat sa participe la Modelul International si Asociatia Talent unde a semnat un contract cu managerul sau talentat .A absolvit liceul de Montpelier , unde a jucat fotbal de asemenea wrestler .
- His real name is Zachary George "Zach" Roerig.
- Is born February 22 , 1985
- Is an American actor who is best known for roles of Casey Hudghes on As the Ward Turns , Hunter Atwood on One Life To Live and Matt Donovan on The Vampire Diaries .
- Zach was born in Montpelier , Ohio to Andreea and Daniel Roerig .Zach also has a younger sister named Emily who was born in 1989 . Zach attended the Barbizon School of Modeling in Cleveland and went on to participate in the International Model and Talent Association where he signed with his late talent manager . He graduated Montpelier High School where he played both fooltball and was also a wrestler .
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