Delena vs Stelena
vineri, 30 noiembrie 2012
SPOILER About The Sire Bond !!!!
Guys it's been confirmed by Julie Plec and e!Online that Elena is sired to Damon, & they've had it planned since early on in season 3. But it's also been confirmed that despite the sire bond, Damon and Elena are closer than they've ever been, and also that sire bonds do NOT impact emotions/love/sex.
Also, Damon doesn't know Elena is sired at this point. When Stefan says "she was sired to you, & you took advantage" he's talking about Charlotte (who was also sired to Damon), not Elena.
A fost confirmat de catre Julie Plec si de E!Online ca Elena ii este loiala lui Damon [ din cauza sangelui ] si ca ei [scriitorii] planuiau asta inca din sezonul 3. Dar a fost confirmat ca in afara de legatura de sange , Damon si Elena sunt mai apropiati decat au fost vreodata si ca aceste legaturi de sange NU AU NICI UN IMPACT asupra emotiilor/ iubirii/ sexului. Deci, in conculuzie Delena este ceva real :)
De asemenea Damon nu stia ca Elena este legata de el in acel moment. Cand Stefan zicea "a fost legata de tine si tu ai profitat de asta" vorbea despre Charlotte [care a fost si ea legata de Damon si va aparea in episodul urmator]
De asemenea Damon nu stia ca Elena este legata de el in acel moment. Cand Stefan zicea "a fost legata de tine si tu ai profitat de asta" vorbea despre Charlotte [care a fost si ea legata de Damon si va aparea in episodul urmator]
The Vampire Diaries "Well Always Have Bourbon Street" 4x08 Pictures & Oficial Synops
Atunci cand Stefan il confrunta pe Damon dezvaluindu-i suspiciunile lui despre legatura Elenei creata cu el, Damon nu are nici o alta alternativa decat sa il ajute la investigatii. Plecand in cautarea raspunsurilor, Damon si Stefan ajung in New Orleans sperand sa gaseasca pe cineva care isi aminteste ultima lor vizita din 1942, inclusiv pe Charlotte, una dintre trecutele cuceriri ale lui Damon. Elena, Caroline si Bonnie au parte de "o noapte a fetelor" in timp ce fratii Salvatore sunt plecati si emotiile Elenei se amplifica cand afla niste lucruri socante. La insistenta lui Hailey (care nu e ceea ce pare de fapt) , Tyler il confrunta pe unul dintre hibrizii lui Klaus, Kim, care a aparut si in 4x07 incercand sa rupa legatura de supunere dintre ea si Klaus, iar situatia ajunge imediat violenta. Damon va lua o decizie care ii va frange inima.
Delena [ 4x07 ] The Truth About Sire Bond
Now, before you yawn and say “You bitch crazy, they’re just dresses! Get over it” I want you to remember how we were all laughing at the way they mentioned in the synopsis the dress picking scene. And we were all saying how “These better be wonderful dresses if they mentioned them in the synopsis.” So, calm down and read this.There is a reason this scene is so important.
Blue is Stefan. Red is Damon.
April: The blue one seems a little safe.
Elena: Safe is good, when it comes to the judges. (aka. everyone in the world hating on Elena for choosing Damon - Caroline, Stefan, Bonnie etc.)
Elena used to want safety. And that’s also what her friends - the judges- want for her. No matter how many times Damon saves Elena, they will always see in him something dangerous.
Damon: Definetely the red one.
Caroline: We’ve already agreed that the red one is a little showy.
Damon: It’s a pageant. It’s the whole point.
Judgy!Caroline is totally against the red dress, completely againts Damon. Red is dangerous, showy. And they (meaning Elena and Caroline) already agreed that the blue one is the best. And Caroline doesn’t want to change her mind. But Damon thinks this is exactly the point of the pageant - the point of life. You can’t just stay safe your entire life. You need action, and excitement and danger.
Caroline: Did you win Miss Mystic last year? No. I don’t think you did.[#BTICH PLEASE]
Damon: Neither did Elena. She wore blue.
THIS is really interesting. Damon didn’t win Miss Mystic last year (obviously). But we’re not talking about the pageant now. Damon didn’t win last year. Elena chose Stefan last year. He didn’t get the girl. He lost. But Elena wore blue, Elena was with Stefan and she still lost. She isn’t with Stefan anymore, she died and nothing good came out from the decision of choosing blue, of choosing Stefan.
Damon: Red, right, Elena?
Elena:The red is pretty.
Damon gave Elena a new perspective over red, over the concept of a life filled with ‘passion, adventure and even a little danger’. So now the red dress really seems prettier, better.
Caroline: What happened to ‘safe is good’?
What happened to ‘safe is good’? What happened to the love Elena used to feel for Stefan? It’s gone. Elena doesn’t want Stefan anymore. That’s it.
Elena: Whichever you want to wear, April.
In the end it all comes down to what she wants. And we all know Elena wants a love thatconsumes her. Not something safe. Something showy. Elena chose red in the end. And so did April.
And April wore the red dress. And guess what. She won.
Elena wore blue last year. And guess what. She lost.
Blue is Stefan. Red is Damon.
April: The blue one seems a little safe.
Elena: Safe is good, when it comes to the judges. (aka. everyone in the world hating on Elena for choosing Damon - Caroline, Stefan, Bonnie etc.)
Elena used to want safety. And that’s also what her friends - the judges- want for her. No matter how many times Damon saves Elena, they will always see in him something dangerous.
Damon: Definetely the red one.
Caroline: We’ve already agreed that the red one is a little showy.
Damon: It’s a pageant. It’s the whole point.
Judgy!Caroline is totally against the red dress, completely againts Damon. Red is dangerous, showy. And they (meaning Elena and Caroline) already agreed that the blue one is the best. And Caroline doesn’t want to change her mind. But Damon thinks this is exactly the point of the pageant - the point of life. You can’t just stay safe your entire life. You need action, and excitement and danger.
Caroline: Did you win Miss Mystic last year? No. I don’t think you did.[#BTICH PLEASE]
Damon: Neither did Elena. She wore blue.
THIS is really interesting. Damon didn’t win Miss Mystic last year (obviously). But we’re not talking about the pageant now. Damon didn’t win last year. Elena chose Stefan last year. He didn’t get the girl. He lost. But Elena wore blue, Elena was with Stefan and she still lost. She isn’t with Stefan anymore, she died and nothing good came out from the decision of choosing blue, of choosing Stefan.
Damon: Red, right, Elena?
Elena:The red is pretty.
Damon gave Elena a new perspective over red, over the concept of a life filled with ‘passion, adventure and even a little danger’. So now the red dress really seems prettier, better.
Caroline: What happened to ‘safe is good’?
What happened to ‘safe is good’? What happened to the love Elena used to feel for Stefan? It’s gone. Elena doesn’t want Stefan anymore. That’s it.
Elena: Whichever you want to wear, April.
In the end it all comes down to what she wants. And we all know Elena wants a love thatconsumes her. Not something safe. Something showy. Elena chose red in the end. And so did April.
And April wore the red dress. And guess what. She won.
Elena wore blue last year. And guess what. She lost.
Traducerea in romana o voi posta mai tarziu
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The Vampire Daries
miercuri, 28 noiembrie 2012
Damon & Elena ♡ "All I'm doing is hiding from the truth..." [AU]
Merita sa il vedeti , credeti-ma. Am ramas fara cuvinte :|
sâmbătă, 24 noiembrie 2012
Delena :x
Acesta este un fan-mades cu Delena , avand scene din toate sezoanele , inclusiv 4 . Va doresc vizionare placuta :* .
Caroline si Klaus impreuna?
Nu am crezut că vom trăi să vedem ziua în care Caroline şi Klaus ies la o întâlnire. Sunt destule şanse ca asta să se întâmple în sezonul 4, dar, pe moment, Caroline este încă cuplată cu Tyler.
Şi nici nu am văzut destule despre prietena vârcolac Hayley, care poate să facă lucrurile dificile în cuplul Forwood. “Hayley, clar, aruncă gaz pe foc în lumea perfectă a lui Caroline şi în relaţia ei cu Tyler. Şi tot ce se poate spune până acum de Caroline, e că ea e foarte optimistă, puternică şi nu se va da bătută cu una cu două” dezvăluie Candice.
Doar pentru că Tyler nu a înşelat-o cu Hayley, asta nu înseamnă că cele două femei nu-şi tatonează terenul. Aşa că ce se va întâmpla între Caroline şi Klaus?
“Ea va vedea diferite laturi ale lui, dar nu ştie exact ce simte în privinţa asta”, continuă Candice. Forwood sau Klaroline? Fie ca cea mai bună relaţie să învingă!
Şi nici nu am văzut destule despre prietena vârcolac Hayley, care poate să facă lucrurile dificile în cuplul Forwood. “Hayley, clar, aruncă gaz pe foc în lumea perfectă a lui Caroline şi în relaţia ei cu Tyler. Şi tot ce se poate spune până acum de Caroline, e că ea e foarte optimistă, puternică şi nu se va da bătută cu una cu două” dezvăluie Candice.
Doar pentru că Tyler nu a înşelat-o cu Hayley, asta nu înseamnă că cele două femei nu-şi tatonează terenul. Aşa că ce se va întâmpla între Caroline şi Klaus?
“Ea va vedea diferite laturi ale lui, dar nu ştie exact ce simte în privinţa asta”, continuă Candice. Forwood sau Klaroline? Fie ca cea mai bună relaţie să învingă!
Madeline Zima este Charlotte in S04 E08
TV Line vine cu nişte veşti interesante. Madeline Zima apare în Jurnalele Vampirilor interpretând-o pe Charlotte, care îl cunoaşte prea bine pe Damon. Alte detalii nu mai sunt, decât că această iubire de odinioară a lui Damon îşi va face prima apariţie în episodul 8. O fi vampir? Umană? Sucub?
Clar vom fi interesate de acest personaj, şi mai mult, va deveni Elena geloasă pe ea?
luni, 12 noiembrie 2012
miercuri, 7 noiembrie 2012
|► Damon/Elena - Kiss Kiss [HUMOR] *MUST WATCH*
Deci videocipul e prea penal :-j asa ca trebuia sa il postez.
Aici, Elena e o nebuna obsedata de Damon, in rest va las pe voi sa vedeti restul =))))
luni, 5 noiembrie 2012
sâmbătă, 3 noiembrie 2012
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